The Beachfront Therapist
The Beachfront Therapist podcast is about running an affordable practice, that is streamlined and organized, working as little time as possible, all while turning a profit, so that therapists have the time and money they need to do the things they love outside of work and return to session refreshed and ready to help clients.
This podcast also has several therapist communities and places to follow for networking, resources, ideas, more info, and upcoming episodes: checkout our group for therapist resources and community, we also have a brand new group for EMDR specific topics, or follow the Beachfront Therapist on Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, or YouTube.
The Beachfront Therapist
Targeted Marketing for Therapists
In this episode, I provide an in depth discussion of how I target market via social media, including selecting platforms, hashtags, and the best times to post. I also share my unique way of target marketing in the community.
It may sound strange, but a hobby of mine is reading about business growth strategies. Ever since I started my practice, I scheduled time to learn about marketing, systems, organization, and business planning and growth. It has become a passion of mine, and while I am not a coach, and I don’t have a practice growth course to sell, I do love sharing what I know. As a former teacher, this is just part of who I am, and while I have been told not to give so much away for free, I truly enjoy learning from others, sharing what I’ve learned, and seeing therapists succeed. We deserve to make a good living too, and we can all success together. I’m happy to do my part and share what I've learned with you.
My goal for this series is to share from one to clinician to another, the strategies and skills that I have learned through running my practice, my continuing education business, coordinating workshops with hundreds of attendees, building a community, and owning a podcast. I hope you find it helpful, and I’m glad you’re here.
Connect with the Beachfront Therapist: Get all of our latest news, be the first to know about new episodes and events, and stay connected through Instagram and Facebook. Also, checkout our free, interactive clinician community and our Facebook group for all things EMDR.